Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Employer Digest
October 2, 2014
In This Issue
Retiree returning to work?
Employer Access account maintenance
Audit Corner
Quick Links
Retiree returning to work? 

All IMRF retirees must contact IMRF before returning to work for an IMRF employer. This applies even if the retiree is considering independent contract work with a unit of government.


Working for an IMRF employer while receiving an IMRF pension could result in significant negative financial consequences for an IMRF retiree.


Public Act 98-0389 of 2013 changed the return-to-work rules to require re-enrollment when the actual hours worked exceed 599 or 999 hours, even if the position is not "normally expected" to exceed the hourly standard.
You can download a chart IMRF developed to explain how the new public act impacts a retiree's return to work. For more detail, see Section 5.20 F of the Manual for Authorized Agents.

Employer Access account maintenance  


There are three types of Employer Access accounts:
  • Authorized Agent (AA) accounts
  • Security Administrator accounts
  • Web Assistant accounts

Note: If you have a Web Assistant account and later become the AA at your employer, you must set up a new AA account for your use. You should not continue to use your Web Assistant account.

You also should never allow another person to send information to IMRF via your account. Each employee who submits information to IMRF through Employer Access MUST have his or her own Employer Access account. 

Read more about Employer Access account maintenance in the September 2014 Reminder.


Audit Corner:
Working multiple positions for the same employer


IMRF audits show that some IMRF employers are unclear on how to determine the participation status of individuals who work more than one job for their employer.
By law, to qualify for IMRF participation, an employee must work in a position that requires at least 600 or 1,000 hours (depending on your employer's hourly standard) over the next 12 months.
However, if an employee works in more than one position for your employer, the hours of all the positions are combined when determining whether the employee should participate in IMRF.
If you ever have any questions about whether a specific employee should or should not participate in IMRF, call an IMRF Member Services Representative for help at 1-800-ASK-IMRF.
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